Scadrà il 4 Settembre 2018 l’Invito a presentare proposte ‘Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future: climate action in support of the Paris Agreement’, reso pubblico nell’ambito del Pilastro Sfide della Società del Programma Horizon 2020.
Le Azioni previste mirano a produrre soluzioni per il raggiungimento degli obiettivi di mitigazione e adattamento dell’Accordo di Parigi, e copre i seguenti argomenti:
*LC-CLA-01-2018:”Supporting the development of climate policies to deliver on the Paris Agreement, through Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs)”;
*LC-CLA-03-2018:”Climate change impacts in Europe”;
*LC-CLA-04-2018:”Resilience and sustainable reconstruction of historic areas to cope with climate change and hazard events”;
*LC-CLA-08-2018:”Addressing knowledge gaps in climate science, in support of IPCC reports”.
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